Financial Services Ireland


Brexit: What’s on the minds of UK financial services businesses?

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The British people voted to leave the European Union (EU); a momentous decision that will signal significant change in Ireland, the UK, Europe and further afield, for businesses, consumers and in particular the UK financial services.

For the moment, Brexit technically changes very little, as the UK still remains a member of the EU, bound by its legal and treaty obligations. In reality, much will change in the lead up to submitting Article 50, and the subsequent negotiations next year.

We’ve been working with our clients across the globe to prepare for the UK’s Referendum outcome. Now that the UK is on a journey toward exiting the EU, we are helping the industry navigate this inevitable period of uncertainty, toward new opportunities in the future.


Contact us to find out how EY Ireland can help you prepare for Brexit. For more content from the EY Ireland team, visit our YouTube channel.

Cormac Kelly

International Banking Consulting Lead
Cormac's Full Profile