Financial Services Ireland

The European Anti-Financial Crime Summit 2024

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The European Anti-Financial Crime Summit 2024 took place in Dublin, Ireland, on May 16, 2024. Organized by AML Intelligence, this in-person event featured regulators, policymakers, industry leaders, and law enforcement chiefs from across the EU, UK, and US.

At the European Anti-Financial Crime Summit 2024, experts and professionals from various sectors gathered to discuss critical issues related to combating financial crime. Here are some key takeaways from the summit:

1. The Effect of Europe’s New AML Regulations and the Impact of AMLA:

  • Participants explored the implications of Europe’s new anti-money laundering (AML) regulations.
  • The role of the Anti-Money Laundering Authority (AMLA) was a central topic of discussion.

2. Understanding the Role of AI & Machine Learning in Detecting FinCrime:

  • Experts delved into how artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning contribute to detecting financial crimes.
  • Privacy considerations were also addressed in the context of using AI for this purpose.

3. Public Private Partnerships in Fighting Financial Crime:

  • The summit emphasized collaborative efforts between public and private sectors.
  • Participants discussed strategies for effective cooperation in combating financial crime.

4. Sanctions – Staying Ahead and Best Practice:

  • Attendees explored the ever-evolving landscape of sanctions.
  • Best practices for staying ahead in sanction-related matters were shared.

In addition to these plenary sessions, delegates had the opportunity to network and exchange insights during the Networking Reception. The summit aimed to enhance cooperation, knowledge sharing, and practical solutions in the fight against financial crime.

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