Financial Services Ireland

How Financial Services firms can return to growth after Covid-19

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The effects of Covid-19 are being felt across the Financial Services industry, impacting on firms’ operating models, business plans and growth strategies.


But this time of disruption is also a time of opportunity. By looking ahead through a new, transformative lens, your organisation can reframe its future and create long-term value.


At EY Financial Services, our minds are focused on building a better Financial Services industry – not just for now, but for the future. Our deep sectoral knowledge, global connectivity and insight drawn from across multiple markets, allow us to ask better questions. And asking better questions leads to better answers, which benefits our clients, their stakeholders and wider communities.

Questions like:

How can your organisation reframe its future?

Where are the untapped opportunities that will generate future growth?

How can you rebuild and operate, not for business as usual, but for business as better?

While there are challenges ahead, one thing is clear: a strong Financial Services sector will be needed for a strong recovery. Financial Services has a critical role to play in managing the impact of Covid-19, from managing continuity and resilience challenges to assessing and monitoring the risk profile of firms through the curve of the pandemic and defining the new normal.

Firms that can quickly and strategically adapt to this current volatility could achieve competitive advantage and emerge more resilient against future disruptions.

Talk to us about how we can help you see new opportunities and create long-term value.

Returning to growth thought leaders

Lisa Kealy

Financial Services Markets Leader

Eoin MacManus

Managing Partner, Global Simplification

James Maher

Insurance, Sector Leader

Colin Ryan

Ireland Financial Services Country Leader

Aidan Walsh

Tax Partner

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