Financial Services Ireland

Strategy and Transactions

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Whether you’re looking to expand into new markets, seize the next M&A opportunity or realise your growth ambitions through better capital management, we are here to help you. We make transformation a reality through corporate strategy consultancy, and merger and acquisition transaction support.

In a rapidly changing, increasingly digital and disrupted business environment, we support organisations by reshaping their portfolios and reinventing them for a better future. At a time when value is everything, we help companies drive growth by focusing on their capital and transaction strategy.

Our international network of experts helps support the flow of capital across borders and brings new products and innovation to market. In doing so, our clients can build a better working world.

Our EMEIA-wide Strategy and Transactions team delivers real value for our clients

  • Our EMEIA team is a single integrated business. We have over 630 dedicated financial services strategy and transaction professionals in key cities across Europe.
  • In 2021, our Irish deal team won two Finance Dublin Deals of the Year Awards for:
    • Asset Management deal of the year – Vitruvian Partner’s investment into Carne Group
    • International Financial Services, Aviation Finance deal of the year – Nordic Aviation Capital’s $6bn debt Scheme of Arrangement.
  • We have consistently topped the Mergermarket transaction league tables for both value and volume of deals.
  • EY are the pan-European leader in advising on complex cross-border and domestic M&A. We remain the client’s choice, advising on more FS deals across EMEIA than any other Big 4 firm.
  • Our business is aligned to our clients’ EU regulatory footprint. This allows us to provide seamless support.

Our recent transactions

Watch the video below to hear from Partners Michael Moroney and Alan O’Brien explore the dynamic landscape of Aviation Finance, focusing on the diverse pools of capital being drawn to the sector and covering recent developments in the debt funding market.

Alan O’Brien

Head of Strategy and Transactions
Alan's Full Profile

Devarshi Ray

FS Partner, Strategy and Transactions
Devarshi's Full Profile

How We Help