Financial Services Ireland

Building a Better Financial Services Ireland Report

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In brief

  • Ireland’s financial services sector could grow by 26% in Gross Value Added (GVA*) generating €30 billion for the economy
  • Delivering this growth could raise employment across Irish financial services by as much as 34% in the years 2024-2028, an annual increase of around 6%. This would represent an additional 30,000 jobs for the sector
  • Ireland’s innovative technology sector, strong regulatory and legal frameworks and access and proximity to the EU single market identified as Ireland’s key competitive strengths

Our findings indicate a huge opportunity for Ireland’s Financial Services sector over the next few years

Growth in the sector by 2028

Boost in employment between 2024-2028

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Building a Better Financial Services Ireland Report

The report is based on in-depth interviews and insights from over 140 senior financial services leaders across Ireland, as well as an analysis of the key success factors of the 10 fastest growing financial services markets globally.  It sets out a series of recommendations across five key areas which underpin the most successful financial services markets globally: Infrastructure, Talent, International Trade, Macroeconomic Fundamentals, and the Regulatory Framework.

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What Ireland’s Financial Services Leaders think:

  • Consider Technological Infrastructure & Innovation as Ireland’s most significant competitive advantage
  • See Ireland’s Regulatory & Legal Frameworks as key to its future standing on the global stage
  • Rate Ireland’s Macroeconomic Fundamentals & Policy environment as an important driver of financial services sector growth
  • Agree that access to the EU single market is a major advantage for Ireland’s financial services sector
  • Point to the affordability and accessibility of housing in cities as a key disadvantage for Ireland compared to other global hubs

Perspectives from EY Financial Services Leaders

Contributions from Financial Services Industry Leaders:

* Gross Value Added (GVA) is the output the financial sector generates minus the cost of goods and services used to create its product and services. Data are expressed in current prices. Modelling work was undertaken by Cebr for EY FS Ireland.

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